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项目2142-01 记录:









































dalam spektrum melewati sofa menara, thurston mengikuti figura misteri, yang wujudnya mustahil, walaupun intinya masih penting. penampilan ini mengubah amaran gelap bahawa thurston memilih cara yang pelik untuk mengubah yang akan membawa dia ke pusat hamba melstran untuk melakukan apa yang dia lihat dan apa yang dia mengungkapkan dalam kapalnya di kapal.

dalam mahkota hamba terhormat, perjalanan william thurston terus berlanjut, penuh dengan sekutu berbahaya dan pengetahuan yang tidak dibenarkan. bab ini mengubah permainan thurston dengan penduduk misteri kerajaan kuno ini.

thurston interesis la sentajn arbojn en la whispera arbo kaj la misteriozan lingvon, kiun ili donis al li, kaj iris al la centro de la enklavo melstren por renkonti kun la Etiopioj. penciptaan kuno ini mempunyai kemampuan untuk merancang kesadaran selama berabad-abad, melamar untuk berkongsi pandangan masa lalu jauh sebagai pertukaran untuk fragmen kesehatan thurston.

thurston menerima cadangannya, tetapi kerana akibatnya transaksi tak tertentu ini, dia tidak mendarat. dengan perjanjian ini, dia boleh mengamati usia masa, membuktikan kesalahan dan peradaban selepas kehendak manusia, dan hak istimewa ini menemukan ketidakpeduliannya pada kotak kimia.

pada masa yang sama, perjanjian antara thurston dan Ethiopia menunjukkan kepentingan kumpulan lain yang tinggal di Nkraf, yang memperluas kepada entiti-entiti yang diamputasi linear dalam era Anti-Enlightenment. Sub la influo de antikvaj mistikaj legendaj diversoj volunta ? proponis dividi siajn son;ojnkun thurston, en kiu estis fantazo de ostmonstro kiel rekompenco por sia rapida maljuna intelekto.

Kiam akceptis tiun proponon, thurston pli profunde elkondukis en la misteriozan abyson de la enklavo melstran. dalam setiap mimpi berkongsi, dia mempertimbangkan bentuk dan bentuk yang mustahil yang melanggar undang-undang alam dan alasan. dia cuba rahsia gelap pantry universal dan ditipu oleh omong kosongnya sendiri.

Apabila thurston memasuki labirin lama itu, dia sedar bahawa biaya pengetahuan yang dia cari hanya kesehatannya sendiri. La Etienoj kaj dippoj, kaj iliaj agendoj kaj ambicioj el alia mondo demand as pli grandan prezon por ilia inspirado.

persatuan terbentuk dalam budak seperti pakej yang rapuh ditempatkan di pasir, keluar dari kacang. Ketika thurston menghadapi penduduk kuno kerajaan gelap ini, dia berasal dari keinginan untuk memahami dan takut kepada tebing.

Ada kaca pengetahuan yang mencair, botol penuh jeritan terlarang dan panggil bahawa thurston melawat titik pusingan dalam perjalanannya menunjukkan saiz mesin kosmik yang berfungsi di Flyaway maelstron.

pada tahun whirlpool Enclave, kami terus menyarankan perjalanan william thurston ke pusat kerajaan lama. tiu i kapitulo malkovras la kritikan momenton, kiam thurston malkovris specan aparaton, misteriozan sferon emitantan teruran lumon.

Ini berlaku dalam kegelapan hamba melstren, di mana otherston, dipimpin oleh pengetahuan yang tidak diketahui, navigasi melalui koridor yang mengganggu, menyeberangi dari halaman yang tidak diketahui ke halaman yang tidak diketahui.

Suatu hari, jika perkataan ini berlaku kepada kerajaan, thurston ditemui dalam separuh sfera yang transparan, dan fikirannya dibuang dari pengetahuan sebelumnya meja. dan kemuliaan ketakutannya akan diberikan kepadanya, dan cahayanya akan bersinar dalam kegelapan selama-lamanya.

Apabila thurston menyentuh bola, dia mengalami cahaya yang bumi tidak dapat memahaminya. Sebuah penglihatan yang dikembangkan adalah tepat di hadapannya, penglihatan masa depan yang cuba semua fikiran rasional dan sehat.

Ketakutan yang wujud dalam penglihatan ini melebihi malam-malam paling gelap psikologi manusia mewakili dunia yang terhina oleh lautan asing, dan entiti besar evolusi buruk alam semesta bangkit dari langit yang tidak normal. penduduk masa depan ini, jika and a boleh menyebutnya, adalah imitasi terganggu manusia, dengan bentuk terganggu dan rasa sakit jiwa.

thurston meninggalkan penglihatannya dan fikiran tentang pengetahuan yang mendalam dan menyakitkan yang dia telah mencapai. pengetahuan adalah satu tuduhan penting yang menyentuhnya dalam kedalaman gila, dikenalpasti oleh melstren Fly.

de tiu moment, la obsesio de thurston pri la sfero kaj la revelacio, kiun ?i elkovris lin. Vi ne povas malfermi la retpo?ton. masa depan apa yang awak tunjukkan dan hubungan apa yang awak ada dengan hamba melestrian misteri?

pada akhir respon ini, kesehatan thurston akan lebih berkembang dan membolehkan dia masuk ke dalam mesin kimia abysma berbahaya. bola ini cukup untuk cahaya yang menyakitkan, menutupi kenangan sakit yang mustahil hijau dalam hamba, pemahaman dan rasi yang sukar. dalam nombornya, ikut jawapan thurston, dia akan faham bahawa takdirnya terhubung dengan kegelapan, bahkan terhubung dengan kegelapan.

dalam rekod kekal whirlpool Enclave, kita belajar lebih banyak tentang perjalanan misteri william thurston. bab ini dilancarkan apabila thurston, dipimpin oleh suaranya yang tidak bahagia untuk mengetahui, menemui skrip tersulit ditempatkan dalam arkitektur asing pertama kerajaan.

dan petir itu datang dalam bahasa yang gila, dan berkemah di atas pokok-pokok yang tebal di hutan, dan membawa mereka ke dalam pengetahuan kuno orang-orang Ethiopia, dan ke pantai rakyat. dia tidak menemukan dirinya dalam keadaan lebih obsesif. Rahsia enklava, ahli arkeolog dan orang asing, telah diseret ke tepi kesehatan.

caranya telah ditemukan: arkitek perbudakan nampaknya merusak undang-undang alam, dan dia gembira menyembunyikan naskah, simbol dan hieroglif kebenaran kuno selepas pemahaman manusia.

thurston malkovris la unuan el tiuj senkulpa inskriptoj meznokte sur la spirito de obsidio kaj Korala ciklopodo, portante unuajn imprintojn de antikvaj doloroj animojn. Setiap simbol telah direkam dan seni asing berada di luar seniman yang mati.

Apabila orang memutuskan untuk menyelesaikan misteri tersembunyi dalam bahasa misteri ini, thurston tidak boleh mempelajari elemen-elemen ini. dia menempatkan simbol-simbol ini dan mencipta register maklumat yang mustahil dihiasi oleh arkitektur luar.

Ketika thurston menggambarkan skrip ini, dia mula menemukan corak pengulangan dan tema yang menunjukkan hal-hal yang sangat dalam dan mengerikan bahawa dia sendiri menentang struktur realiti. beliau memahami bahawa hamba melstren bukan sahaja bumi, tetapi juga bentuk luas dan buruk ungkapan.

dalam pencarian ini, thurston menentang malam bahawa mereka jauh dari pengetahuan, mendekati dan mendekati batu gila. budak pertama bukanlah tempat yang terpencil dan tidak diketahui, tetapi refleksi ketakutan kosmik yang lebih besar, di mana sempadan antara realiti dan dunia lama tidak dapat dihindari.

Apabila thurston memahami sifat sebenar enklava dan kekuatan kosmik yang tidak stabil, perasaan mendalam ini adalah puncak penyelidikannya yang tidak dilatih. Ini adalah masa yang jelas dan sedar, dan memahami bahawa kerajaan misteri boleh menginspirasi melampaui kesadaran manusia.

“hahaha, of course there is a way.” Li Jian’an said with a smile.

Yu Lianyun immediately said without hesitation. \"okay, then I'll go with you!\"

“of course, anyone who wants to participate is wele.” Li Jiaan nodded, “but as I said before, you have to pass the evaluation, and this is not something we can decide. besides... .miss Yu, this time it's the corpse of an unknown woman.the strange case has not been solved yet.'' ”

Yu Lianyun swallowed.

Li Jiang took a long breath through his nose and smiled. \"thank you for reminding me now, the way to break the illusion is to change the magnetic field. So now we have found a way to break the illusion. but there is still a problem.\" \"there is a problem. I'm surprised. .I need an answer quickly, Yuu-san.”

his eyes stared at Yu Lianyun's fresh and beautiful clothes, and his eyes moved up the delicate skin of the other person's body. Although his words and actions were obscene, his eyes were not pushy in the slightest and were as clear as water.

Li Jia'an said, \"how did you eliminate the invasion of extradimensional forces?\"

A question was asked at the end. Yu Lianyun smiled bitterly in her heart, knowing that this was an absolutely inevitable problem.

the three of them saw him getting ready to go out, and I think they saw in his clothes that he was fleeing from the cold invasion, so he made sure to break the pot to save his rades. You'll reach the bottom. that.

Yu Lianyun still relies on the boss of the forest cabin to pletely solve his problems, and guesses that the boss must be a great being. Even if I tell my story to the mysterious team, even if the mysterious group's subsequent actions anger the other party, I don't know if the blessing given to my body will be resolved. what if he stops helping me out of anger?

therefore, Yu Lianyun really didn't want to tell others about this.

but he also knew that as long as the people on the secret team were willing to carefully investigate this matter, no matter how elaborate a lie he had just told, it would be easily exposed. .

Yu Lianyun gritted her teeth and said boldly: \"I have not pletely eliminated hidden dangers within the body. I do not remend following my methods.\"

“please tell me and listen.” Seeing this, he Jia’an had a serious expression on his face.

“does it have something to do with the videotape?” Li Yingqi pointed out.

Yu Lianyun’s expression changed. he still underestimated the abilities of the people in the xuanmei group. he secretly smiled bitterly and couldn't help but nod. then he prepared himself considerably, took a few seconds of deep breathing, and then took the videotape out of his bag. he came out and said, ``this videotape footage may contain a curse. Everyone who views this is allowed to die within seven days from the power of the curse.'' I think.\"

when I look at it, it seems that the power of the curse is working now, and that power seems to be stronger than the power of the extradimensional creature, and it radiates the violence of the cold force that confused me at first, but I... soon. As per the videotape, as asked, he will die within seven days...\"

Speaking of which, after watching the videotape, Yu Lianyun remembered the phone call she received. the voice on the phone could be from himself, who was killed by the curse after seven days.

So...if he can hear the voice on the phone now, does that mean he's doomed to die?

Yu Lianyun suddenly found herself in a great panic. pared to the fear of not knowing when you're going to die because you're being targeted by creatures from another dimension, if you know when you're going to die, you can also know how you're going to die and what's going to happen. the horror of the death scenes is even more torturous.

At this moment, Yu Lianyun was scared, but the three members of the xuanmi group were solemn and worried.

why are there other abnormalities! ?

7 wonderful guests

missing person Notification: Li Liangcai, 29 years old, from Shenzhou, china. he lives at No. 801, building A7, Aiwa Garden, qinglu Road, Longyang district, Shenzhou city. he disappeared on September 6th and has not returned for several days. please ask for help. If you look like the person in this photo, please call 137xxxxxxx1 immediately. If he is not feeling well, please help him. thank you again later!

Attached photo: daily photo of a man wearing glasses. She has a slim figure and a well-proportioned face. Judging from his expression and attitude in the photo, as well as the photo of a famous university behind him, this man also has the academic and modest temperament of an honor student in scientific research.

Ling Ling slowly closed the laptop screen and pointed, \"I'll have something else to do soon.\"


A black cat that was sleeping at the shrine stuck its head out at Rinrin and barked.

Ling Ling seemed to understand what the other person said, and suddenly smiled and said: \"No, you're right. we need a few business deals.\"

Knock knock knock.

As soon as Linlin finished speaking, there was a light knock on the door. Just as he said, the new business arrived at his doorstep.

he winked at a nearby mirror, shaping his face into softer curves and maintaining a friendly expression. then he quietly sat behind the counter and, smiling, waited for the customer who knocked on the door to enter the room.

the next moment, a mahogany door with a sinister face on it was pushed open, and in walked a man who looked like he was from the Industrial Revolution, wearing a fancy suit, a round hat, and white gloves. holding a gentleman's cane in his hand, he walked steadily towards Ling Ling.

``president Lin, please excuse me again.'' the man's voice was as gentle as the don River flowing quietly under the night. he took off his hat and stepped forward, revealing a shocked look on his face. It was really too much. beautiful and beautiful.

the man has fair and smooth skin, light pink lips, phoenix eyes, beautiful moles, a slim body, and soft curves... It's hard to imagine that a man can be this good .

Ling Ling nodded with a smile and asked casually, “did you get the answer you wanted?”

\"Unfortunately, I can't do it yet.\" the handsome man sighed quietly and gave Lingling a nod. \"the dream world is still too dangerous for me. I'm like a butterfly, unable to escape from a spider's web. A dense primeval forest. but thanks to your help, I'm gradually I have mastered architectural techniques.'' It's a dream. At least now that I'm in this world, I have the ability to protect myself. ”

\"well, if it's useful, I don't mind actually using it for a while,\" Linlin said with a smile as she put her head back into the red wooden box.

the corner of the handsome man's mouth twitched, and he said with a worried expression: \"president Lin, I don't want to be stuck in this eternal palace where I can't feel the passage of time forever,\" he said, touching his things. there were traces of red blood on the white glove of his right hand. Vaguely, I could see something moving strangely inside the glove. It was as if there were several strips of flesh insects crawling inside the glove.

\"haha, doesn't that satisfy your desire? Just a small price to pay.\"

\"Eternal solitude is no small price to pay,\" the handsome man said weakly, \"I am not as powerful as you, Limbos.\"

\"Great?\" Linlin blinked and said with an amused smile. \"but I'm just a normal person.\"

ordinary people? hahaha.

the handsome man stopped joking and got down to business, and said seriously, \"president Lin, I hope you can help me more this time. the sound of magic in the attic is getting louder and louder, and this guy is getting more and more hungry. I’m free.’ For my spirit and energy. 'my soul is gone, I don't want to go with this.' ”

\"Anyway, I play the piano everywhere, so you can promise on that point, but what do you think? mr. heimoren, the best violinist of this century,\" Linlin suggested with a smile. he said he was done, but he was already done. he stepped away from the counter and turned towards the shelves in the store.

hearing his opponent's praise, heimorphen couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes. he shook his head. \"For me, the dream world that goes beyond mon sense is beautiful, but it goes beyond the limits of human concepts of beauty. It's beautiful, but it's scary. what if I really had to play the piano?\" A world like this And forever sir, even if the salary and job were stable, I would not go there. ”

Linlin smiled and finally took out the gloves from the top container on the shelf.

when I took off my gloves, the lights in the store flickered on and off, and the five-fingered blades of my gloves reflected the cold light.

\"You value your hands so much that you can't bear to touch blood directly, so why don't you take this with you?\" Linlin looked at haimofen, who was fascinated by these claw gloves. but his dark eyes showed no emotion as he explained, ``Gloves can lead you to a new art.''

``It's very beautiful, but it's a shame that I can't hold the ribbon when I wear it.'' heimorphen picked up the glove and held it carefully, feeling a little disappointed, but even more excited, ``but... , I really like this glove.''

As he spoke, he couldn't wait to take off his current gloves. the gloves, which were originally pure white, had suddenly bee stained red with blood. when he took off his gloves, the skin peeled off, exposing his hands, which were covered in blood stains. the blood vessels running through the forest of flesh and blood stand out clearly in the air, and the delicate white bones form this kind of world of flesh and blood.

heimorphen took off his gloves and put them back on. his face quickly turned pale due to his sensitive pain nerves, but his beautiful face slowly flushed with extreme pleasure.

``Ah, this feeling... it feels like my hands are fused together.'' hymorphen was very excited. No one could have imagined that this artist, who eats with his hands, could have such a morbid side while smiling like a madman.

In fact, to be exact, he was already starting to go crazy when the demonic noises in the attic of his house tormented him day after day, and he began to cut off his beloved hands.

mad people are fearless by nature, and the high morphin even desires revenge.

when heimorphen first came to Linlin, Linlin would never forget the bloodlust-filled, insane look on his face. Now, heimorphen has bee more normal due to his desire for revenge.

It is better to block than to open.

Ling Ling, a mental patient, feels that he is a doctor with excellent medical skills and excellent skills. he really understands the needs of fools. Look at the effects of his current treatment, how wonderful!

Knock knock knock!

At that moment, there was a loud knock on the door and the sound of a cat meowing ing from the chapel. Ling Ling's face suddenly brightened and she said, \"the economy is good today. I didn't expect new customers to e so enthusiastically.\"

\"then I'll take my leave first. this is the rent I paid. I don't know how long the lease will be?\" heimorphen changed his blood-stained red gloves and took the dome. he wore a shaped hat. , it's ready.

he is not yet ready for direct contact with other people. If he were to meet his fans now and show his true self, his image might be ruined.

heimorphen, who has lost the ability to play the piano, is just a human without the ability to connect chickens.

Linlin smiled and said, \"tomorrow.\"

heimorphen was surprised, and a look of fear appeared in his eyes. the cold sweat that dripped down my forehead quickly soaked the inside of my hat. then he lowered the brim of his hat to cover most of his face, forced a smile, and said: \"Looks like you got it.\" that's unbelievable. \"

with that said, he quickly walked to the back door of the store and left the cabin.

At the same time, the customers outside the door also barged in.

“I didn’t expect mr. Yu’s plexion to improve even though I didn’t see him in the afternoon.” Ling Ling looked at Yu Lianyun with a smile as he entered the hut, and said heartily.

8. who secretly recorded the video?

Yu Lianyun, who met Ling Ling again, gave a stiff smile and said, “Good evening, president Ling.”

``how was your first time using my product?'' Linlin seemed relieved, not seeming to notice the other person's nervousness.

As soon as she recalled this strange video, Yu Lianyun clearly felt a knife being pressed against the back of her head, as if there was a flash of light on her back, and the fear and sense of danger were in her heart like a ferocious disease. It welled up uncontrollably.

\"...Not bad.\" Yu Lianyun took a deep breath and said, \"teacher, I thought about it. If not, maybe you should rent it. this videotape is too expensive.\"

\"Actually, it's not that expensive.\" Linlin scratched her head. he walked over to the shelf where the videotapes were kept and pulled out a sealed box. when I opened the box, the black videotape covering almost the entire box looked like a swarm of man-eating ants. , It was so dense that Yu Lianyun's scalp went numb and said, \"Look, there's more.\"

\"okay...let's borrow it.\" Yu Lianyun said with a nervous smile, \"I really can't stand it.\"

Ling Ling laughed lightly, put the box back, and turned around to e back and ask a strange question. “Yu-san, do you know the difference between a blessing and a curse?”

Facing Lingling's question, Yu Lianyun thought carefully, shook his head carefully, and then gave an unsatisfactory answer.

Ling Ling returned to the coffee table, motioned for Yu Lianyun to sit down, and poured out her thoughts while pouring tea. \"In my opinion, there is no difference between the two.\"

``when I looked into the theology of the bible, I found that the most evil curses in the world e from God, and the heaviest blessings e from the devil.'' Ling Ling said quietly, ``well then. what is a curse and what is a blessing? It doesn't seem to matter.\"

hearing Lingling’s remark, Yu Lianyun was a little shocked. At the same time, I thought about the meaning of Linlin's words.

Ling Ling said with a smile. \"okay. If you want to return the tape, the rental period mentioned earlier is still valid.\"

when he said this, Ling Ling's eyes suddenly became sharp, he looked at Yu Lianyun cautiously, and said, \"of course, I will never give the money back.\"

“…No, of course not.” Yu Lianyun smiled dryly, and then expressed deep doubts. “president, if the ‘blessing’ on the videotape disappears, will I still be targeted??”

``blessings are like an evil smell to things, and they are afraid and avoid them.'' Ling Ling says, ``It's like a delicious cake that you want to eat, but suddenly the cake gets wet. once the poop es out, you get scared and want to get close to it. Now, even if the poop is pletely removed from the cake... are you going to eat that cake again?\"

what kind of metaphor is this?

the corner of Yu Lianyun's mouth twitched, and she suddenly realized. \"So you're saying that only those who feel the 'blessing' within me won't focus on me, and others who don't see it can still attack me?\"

“I understand that,” Ling Ling agreed with a smile as she poured tea for Yu Lianyun and herself.

Yu Lianyun was not happy. he remembered what the mysterious group of people had said. Now with great psychic ability, he is almost a disaster star who cannot avoid ordinary disasters. he mits suicide because of the videotape's blessing, but without his blessing, he would sooner or later die at the hands of another freak.

\"please wait until the lease expires and then return the videotape.\" Lingling ordered the eviction, and his words, \"quickly leave, these people are looking for you,\" were Yu. It made Lian Yun’s heart tremble.

Yu Lianyun was suddenly startled, and the way he looked at Ling Ling became even more frightening. because the other person actually knew that he did not e alone.

Initially, it was thought that the three members of the mysterious group had left him, but that now appears not to be the case.

who is the owner of this store?In a place where there is no village in front of you and no store in the back, what means can you use to know everything that is going on in the outside world? I wonder.

“boss, I…” Yu Lianyun was still happy to be separated from the three members of the mysterious team. he went to the store to download a videotape and then went out to enjoy his freedom without any restrictions. Ling Ling didn't know about this either, but it turned out to be just her imagination.

Ling Ling just smiled and nodded, saying that the other party should not pay too much attention to such trivial matters.

In fact, he didn't care at all about the origins of the mysterious group or what special abilities they had. he simply didn't want to be associated with such serious people.

It will remind him of his days in a mental hospital, and people in occult groups will probably want to use confinement and breeding methods to deal with him.

Ling Ling finally ran away. Naturally, you don't want to go back to a boring place ever again.

therefore, he secretly set up a new program in the hut a long time ago. this means that usually no one has access to the hut except for the applicant and those he designates.

therefore, three members of the mysterious group with impure intentions were separated from Yu Lianyun. In the end, the only person who found the location of this store was Yu Lianyun, who had been in contact with Linlin from early on.

\"okay, I'm leaving now.\" Yu Lianyun was afraid of offending Ling Ling, so she didn't think about it too much anymore, but she didn't choose to take a videotape and left it in the store, And Ling Ling was still smiling. , there are no blocks.

“by the way, the videotape has been recycled, but someone recorded the video through a different route, so the blessing for you has not disappeared.” Ling Ling’s last voice suddenly shocked Yu Lianyun. but he gritted his teeth, but didn't have the courage to go back and ask again.

when Yu Lianyun left the hut and walked out of the foggy area, Yu Lianyun suddenly felt that the world in front of him was in chaos. After shaking his head for a while, Yu Lianyun realized that he was back on the mountain again, but the surroundings were foggy. he disappeared long ago and all that was left was a quiet night.

“Yu Lianyun, where have you been?!”

three people from a mysterious group came running from a short distance away. After some questioning by them, Yu Lianyun realized that he had been out of touch on the mountain for nearly an hour. All this time, three members of a mysterious group were there. I'm looking for him who suddenly disappeared.

Yu Lianyun remembered Lin Ling's previous words and faced the question, he also made his own decision.

``I just went to the forest cabin to return the tape to the boss.'' Yu Lianyun honestly explained what she had done during her disappearance.

Li Jia'an and Li Yingqi didn't believe it at first, but seeing wei Jiang's ability to see through lies, the other party nodded. In other words, Yu Lianyun was not lying. I was saved, but I winced.

\"In that case, mr. Yu, I think you should go home now,\" Li Jia'an said, looking deeply at Yu Lianyun.

Yu Lianyun didn’t speak again, just nodded. beneath his downcast gaze, a pair of beautiful eyes studied the three members of the mysterious group before them.

Among these three people, who took the video?

nine days

After municating with the organization's leader for a while, he Jian made a decision that surprised Yu Lianyun but also reassured him.

they will stay in Itai city for a while, and the tracking organization plans to send officials to Itai city to inspect Yu Lianyun.

Regardless of how the wonderful store Yu Lianyun described existed or not, Yu Lianyun needed to survive now. this became an important key to solving the problem of unidentified female corpses.

of course, this time, judging by the fact that Yu Lianyun unconsciously disappeared in front of he Jian and the three experienced members of the occult team, the forest hut selling ordinary rental items is probably the real thing. . Yes, even if it doesn't exist, it means there is a dark cloud that is not as simple as the corpse of a nameless woman hanging over Yu Lianyun.

therefore, people in the mysterious group should pay attention to the videotape curse mentioned by Yu Lianyun.

Yu Lianyun was sitting on the bed in the hotel room where she was staying. Li Yinchi had just e out of the bathroom after taking a shower. Seeing the slightly damp appearance of the heroic and tall beauty in front of her, Yu Lianyun couldn't help but secretly admire her. he really was someone who traveled hundreds of years ago. Everyone was so beautiful. they looked a little apologetic and said, ``I'm sorry, I was a bit selfish. we didn't change you to a twin room, so you and I slept in the same big bed.''

Li Yingchi laughed and said, \"It's okay, I don't care.\"

while saying this, Li Yinchi took off her pajamas, letting some air into her clothes and blowing away the water that couldn't be wiped away even after taking a shower. It felt particularly cool. he turned to the vanity mirror in the hallway of his room and peered into it. As you say, \"You should hurry up and do your laundry. You must be very tired today.\"

\"that's true.\" Yu Lianyun smiled slightly modestly, took out clothes from the bag and walked to the bathroom.

After the bathroom door was closed, Li Yingqi looked sideways at the face on the other side of the mirror, then looked at her luggage bag and lightly touched the zipper. he was convinced that Yu Lianyun had scavenged his luggage while he was taking a shower. the person on the other end was quite wary, but in fact, she had pinned her hair to the zipper of her bag. As long as the zipper is open, the hair will break in two.

Li Yingqi examined his belongings and found that nothing was missing.

Li Yingqi felt very strange about this. what on earth was Yu Lianyun looking for?

It is clear that the other party is in a vulnerable position under surveillance. his movements easily excite and disgust the discoverer, but he does it nonetheless. In that case, what he wants must be something he wants at all costs. find something

when Li Yingchi was thinking about it, Li Yingchi's mobile phone on the table suddenly rang. he picked up his cell phone and checked the caller Id. he smacked his lips and answered the phone, “dear eighth grandma, what’s wrong??”

\"what are you still asking me? hurry up and read the message I sent you, remain my warrior.\" A beautiful female voice came from the other side. \"Something happened! Something big happened!\" she worried.

Li Yingqi frowned. Shaking her clothes, she temporarily exited the call interface, activated do Not disturb mode, and checked her V-mail.

She saw more than a dozen greetings from her feline friends that read \"dear Grandma.\" he clicked to take a look and his eyelids jumped at what he saw.

dear: Something happened!

to my 8th mother-in-law: [download link]

dear 8th Grandma: hurry up and install this live broadcast app to watch! Room number !

dear 8th wife, what are you doing! ?

post six angry emojis in a row.

dear 8th wife: Is that your name on the live show? I secretly took a picture of you, idiot!

Seeing this news, Li Yingqi suddenly became nervous, but because she is in a special profession, she does not panic easily. he tightened the collar and clicked the download link to download the live broadcast App.

After some operations, installation, login, and online, Li Yingqi entered the official interface. his mood suddenly sank when he saw that the app contained countless color photos and texts. he entered the room number and went directly into the room where the \"eighth mother-in-law\" said. , the phone screen suddenly changed, and Li Yingqi's heart almost stopped beating when she saw the image displayed on the live broadcast software.

I saw the main character on the live broadcast at that time. he was standing by the bed, playing with his cell phone. An ordinary act that he did in a private space is now being a hot topic in the live broadcast room as it reflects the feelings of viewers.


No matter how calm Li Yingqi was in the face of all kinds of dirty words, at this moment, she could no longer maintain peace of mind. An angry look appeared on his face. She turned her head and stared at the socket on the bedside table, her pinky fist clenched. It hit him directly.


the wall suddenly cracked, and Li Yingchi broke the grip with a punch. then he took the socket with his fingers and held the torn socket in his hand. A closer look reveals a hidden camera hidden behind an ordinary electrical outlet.

the screen in the live broadcast room suddenly went dark, but the conversations among the viewers in the room did not stop. Rather, everyone expressed their displeasure and ridicule, feeling that this was a demonstration. they still had no respect for Li Yingqi's angry words, and it was a casual insult, as if they regarded the other party as a cheap modity.

Since childhood, Li Yinchi felt that she did not live in a wealthy family, but her family traditions were well defined and she was loved by her family, so she naturally had very high self-esteem. I was nurturing it. he had never experienced such an insult before, and a feeling of helplessness welled up in his heart.

At this moment, the V message on Li Yingqi's mobile phone was still ringing, and it was from the \"eighth mother-in-law.\" the other person was very worried. he must be watching the live broadcast now. Judging from the normal behavior on the live broadcast screen, it must have been determined that it was indeed Li Yingqi himself who was secretly filming the beautiful woman.

At the same time, Yu Lianyun, who heard the movement inside the house, immediately wrapped her scarf and went out. when Yu Lianyun saw Li Yingqi’s eyes a little red and her beautiful and beautiful face, she felt a little disappointed. he immediately asked, \"what's going on?\"

he took a step forward and was on the console, and he saw that there was a pile of broken electronic waste in Li Yingqi's hands, and the outlet that was supposed to be fixed to the wall was gone. he suddenly remembered these bad things and became very worried. Fear invaded my heart.

“Secret filming!? Live broadcast!?” Yu Lianyun gritted her teeth, opened her eyes wide, and trembled all over. he suddenly thought of many things.

when Li Yingqi saw Yu Lianyun in such a state of anger, she felt even more anxious than herself. the other person had already been staying at the hotel for more than a day, and I thought the hidden cameras were taking away a lot of privacy. he was always well-behaved, and apart from being verbally humiliated, of course, he did not suffer any major losses, only pared to Yu Lianyun.

but what Li Yingqi didn't know was that Yu Lianyun was not only angry, but also deeply frightened and feeling suffocated.

Needless to say, he was angry, but he was also scared because he didn't know how many people would see the video he watched that afternoon and how many of them were his.

Yu Lianyun felt cold in her heart and felt that she would not be able to see the sun next week.

10 Unexpected but black

thirty minutes later, the two men, he Jian'an and wei Jiang, also gathered in the two girls' rooms.

when someone searched the room, they found a camera and two bed bugs in another part of the room. Every camera angle was perfect and just right, so it was very difficult.

Looking at the spying and eavesdropping device that had been assembled, mr. he Jian said with a puzzled look, \"Something is wrong. I don't know how much of what we talked about this afternoon got across. this is all about munity safety. this is an important issue related to security.'' confidential. \"

while saying this, his mood worsened when he saw the two female victims, Li Yingchi and Yu Lianyun. Li Yingqi was their most important partner and rade, and Yu Lianyun was an important target for mission protection, but he never expected them both to be under his control at the same time. he was slapped in the face and suffered a cut under his nose.

\"that's not all...\" Yu Lianyun gritted his teeth and said, \"the problem is more serious than you all imagine. do you still remember what I said on the videotape? this video the image is a great blessing to those who view it.''Even if you only glimpse the image, it will be cursed.Even if the image is recorded and disseminated, the effects of the curse will remain.'' Let’s go…”

After hearing Yu Lianyun's words, everyone could see the despair in Yu Lianyun's eyes. Li Jian and his colleagues felt as if they had been hit by a bolt from the blue, and their scalps went numb.

Record that video! ?

what is this videotape?It actually has terrifying spreading power! ?

If the ``7 days of death curse'' on the video tape is real, how many people who watched the concert would be cursed? could the person who filmed and recorded the video secretly spread it to other places?

today's world is an information network society. don't underestimate the power of information dissemination in this day and age.

If this video is full of viral traffic and the timing is right, it can easily spread around the world. that way people in this world can hold funerals for themselves in advance.

For a moment, he Jiaan, wei Jiang, and Li Yingqi were all silent, despairing at Yu Lianyun.

there is absolutely no way to stop this!

however, no matter what, he Jian decides to report this matter to the mysterious team's superiors first.

the upper management of the secret team also remained silent for several tens of seconds after receiving the news. For a long time, the only sound I could hear from my cell phone was the sound of irregular breathing. Sometimes it sounded steady, sometimes fast, sometimes it sounded irritating and irritating. I whisper.

\"check!\" Finally, Li Jian'an heard a cold word from her boss. Although the voice was not loud, he Jia'an could already hear the great murderous intent and anger.

In response, the mystery team immediately launched a full-scale operation by making full use of the organization's information network, and began working overtime to track down the culprit who had installed a camera in the hotel room where Yu Lianyun was staying.

It was an existential crisis for humanity. the effectiveness of the secret team's work was frightening. After 30 minutes, he Jian received the good news, and everyone was temporarily relieved.

“Good! while Yu Lianyun was watching the cursed videotape in the house, the live broadcast had not yet started. It seems that the owner of the room number was busy with his own business. however, the device was discovered and therefore, voyeurism was only a tool for transmitting information from a distance, and as there was no storage function, there is a high possibility that the footage remains in the hands of the person who secretly filmed it, and the other party is transmitting the footage over a public network. As long as everything will be done in time,\" Li Jian'an conveyed the good news from the headquarters.

hearing this good news, everyone couldn't help but smile in surprise, and Yu Lianyun even felt lucky and happy to be able to temporarily survive the disaster.

``where is this person!?'' Li Jian'an suppressed her joy and immediately asked the most important question. “where is the villain who secretly filmed me?”

\"According to Ip address analysis, the other party currently lives in your city, and the exact address is...\" Li Jian'an carefully wrote the news from the headquarters. he must arrest the person immediately and destroy the normal route of infection.

without any hesitation or hesitation, he Jian and wei Jiang received instructions to carry out their mission at all costs, and set out into the night. After all, something like this can't be postponed.

Yu Lianyun and Li Yingqi also expressed their intention to ply. Li Yingqi wanted to punch him in the neck behind the scenes, but Yu Lianyun's idea was also very simple: exactly destroy all video files.

he still believes that the phone call he received after watching the black videotape was a cry from his future self.

As a leader, he Jia'an did not refuse the requests of the two girls. on the one hand, Li Yinchi's hypnotic abilities were available, and on the other hand, he was willing to perform illegal surgeries to relieve his anger.

If he can stop an incident that affects the survival of humanity, he can do anything, even if he kills the mastermind.

winter winter winter!

the door to Suizhu munity, building 2, Unit 2, Room 804 has opened. A 12- or 13-year-old girl was half hidden behind the door. he opened his innocent eyes and looked at the two who appeared outside the door. Uncle

\"what's going on?\" the girl, who was probably attending a local high school, looked at the two strange men in front of her with some caution. before he Jian and wei Jiang could say anything, the girl clearly saw Li Yingqi and Yu behind the two men. Lian Yun’s expression suddenly changed.

perhaps from nervousness or instinctual intuition, Yu Lianyun suddenly pointed at the girl with great determination and shouted, \"It's her! She's the one we're looking for.\"

the girl suddenly panicked and immediately tried to close the door and run away, but she was a helpless girl and was still in her own house. where can he run?

wei Jiang resisted with one hand and held the door that was about to close. then he kicked his calf hard and kicked the door open. he jumped as fast as he could, like a ferocious dog attacking a person, instantly causing the girl to panic. drop down.

the girl wanted to scream, but wei Jiang didn't give her a chance and directly pressed the girl's mouth hard.

Li Jia'an asked Li Yingqi and Yu Lianyun to hurry up, entered the house, and carefully closed and locked the door again.

when he Jian arrived at the house, which was only about 60 square meters, he inspected the furniture inside. Judging by the number of water glasses on the table and the number of toothbrush cups in the bathroom, it turned out that only girls usually lived in this house.

After entering the dormitory and seeing the intelligence specialist's receiving device, Li Jian became even more convinced that the person in front of him was a prisoner.

Li Yingqi couldn't believe that such a harmless girl was actually the mastermind behind the persecution against her and Yu Lianyun?

Although it was a little confusing and unbearable, Li Yingqi still used deep hypnosis on the girl for mon situations that could lead to stupidity.

Li Yingqi's slightly flashy gestures caught the girl's attention. with a snap of her fingers, the girl was pletely hypnotized.

\"may I ask your name?\"

\"Yun wenwen\"

\"why would you do that?\"

Girl: “At first I needed money to live alone, and then because it felt good.”

As she spoke, a beautiful smile appeared on her face, due to the unconsciousness of the girl's heart.

11 o'clock dream

through hypnosis, Li Yingchi learned from Yun wenwen that the other party was the owner of the live show hall. the truth was outrageous and unfortunate.

Soon, Yun wenwen was also under the control of Li Yinchi, who revealed where all the voyeur videos were stored and said that he also stored backups on network disks.

thanks to the remote assistance and constant efforts of the technical staff of the secret team, it took one night to check all the risk factors several times and also helped to erase the spy videos of other innocent victims. I did.

when all of Yun wenwen's existing backups and videos were pletely deleted, Yu Lianyun felt like something evil was slowly slipping out of her body. being highly spiritual, he suddenly realized that it was the curse of the videotape that left his body, and he was truly happy.

Although Yu Lianyun was happy that the fate of death had changed, he was very grateful to xuan mei Group and others for saving the world.

Regarding the lost girl Yun wenwen, everyone unanimously decided to dedicate a fulfilling life to this girl. he was handed over to police over the phone. what awaits Yun wenwen next will be unforgettable suffering and redemption.

when the peeping incident was definitely over, it was already 6 o'clock in the morning when Yu Lianyun and Li Yingqi returned to the hotel. After spending the whole night, they could no longer resist, threw themselves on the bed and fell asleep.

In the foggy lake, Yu Lianyun felt ecstasy. In his dreams he ran through a sea of flowers, laughing and shouting. he hadn't had such a beautiful dream for a long time.

but he soon realized that this time it wasn't going to be a good dream.

Running, running, Yu Lianyun saw a rock standing in the sea of flowers. Seeing the familiar stone well, Yu Lianyun's smile froze with frozen time and space.

“why…why, I still…” Yu Lianyun was shocked and couldn’t believe it, panic gathered in their eyes.

Yu Lianyun turned around and tried to run away, but when she turned around, she realized that there was a wall behind her. the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and the sea of flowers shattered like torn paper, revealing the actual environment at that moment, the dry yellow earth. Inside an old house with fallen leaves and no life. Ishii, who was supposed to be behind me, reappeared in front of me. No matter how much I tried to change my perspective, Ishii and those around me seemed to be spinning together, and there was no way I could escape.

Yu Lianyun snorted and stepped back, pressing her against the wall behind her. his fearful eyes stared into the stone that seemed to be etched into his eyes and etched into his heart.

Silently, a pale, withered hand with bloody fingers reached out from the well and touched the edge of the stone well.

Yu Lianyun, who witnessed this strange scene, wanted to close her eyes to console herself and \"disappear from sight and consciousness.\" however, I noticed that my eyelids felt like they were being pulled too hard and I couldn't close them. As if frozen in place by an invisible force, he could only watch as the shocking scene unfolded, unable to move his whole body.

I saw a pale woman with helpless hair holding her hands on the edge of the well and slowly sticking her head out. the eyes exposed through the hair looked straight at Yu Lianyun, the eyes were red, there was no aura, and the word \"Lu\" was clearly visible carved into the eyes.

At this moment, Yu Lianyun pletely understood that he had escaped the disaster and that surviving was all he had thought.

the curse wasn't going to let him go. the tragic death of the woman in white, recorded on videotape, still marks her as the next murder target.

therefore, the qi symbolizing the \"Seven heavens\" descended on the land symbolizing the \"Six heavens.\"

what on earth is this for? Are there any videos that you haven't cleared yet? Yu Lianyun couldn’t help but think.

when Yu Lianyun thought that the scary woman in white was trying to scare him and would never e out of the well again, the other party seemed to sense his thoughts. he tried to drop his hand and fell into the well again. however, he suddenly changed his movements and jumped down from the well, exposing his twisted and deformed body and running towards him in a strange crawling position.

the woman in white moved so fast that Yu Lianyun barely had time to react. he covered his face with his hands and could only scream in despair.

however, more than ten seconds had passed, and Yu Lianyun's hand did not feel any touch. he just felt the wind blowing past him.

when he opened his eyes, he found that other features of the woman dressed in white were almost non-existent, except for a pair of eyes. he was so close to chi chi that Yu Lianyun's heartbeat stopped. the two looked at each other, their eyes wide, one with a look of fear on their face, the other with a fierce look on their face.

Feeling that his ears were wet, Yu Lien looked from the corner of his eyes and saw that several hairs of the woman in white clothes seemed to have turned into black snakes, just like medusa's snake hair, they were I brushed Urengumo's hair. his ears were tightly wrapped around something behind him.

Yu Lianyun felt a chill run down her spine, and when she turned around, a strange hand with only four claws extending from a hole in space slowly appeared behind her. Judging by the ferocious giant's intended movements, his opponent actually wanted to capture him.

Seeing the familiar cold breath ing out of the strange hand, Yu Lianyun immediately realized that the strange hand was an extradimensional beast behind the nameless woman's corpse.

An extradimensional creature just showed up and tried to take him away!

the woman in white actually saved her! ?

Yu Lianyun quickly threw away his one-sided thoughts. the woman in white did not want to save herself, she simply did not want the people she targeted to be influenced by other forces. For the woman in white, Yu Lian Yun's pure body and highly sensitive soul are the best food.

therefore, at that moment, the woman in white was fighting an extradimensional lifeform that was trying to tear her body apart. the snake's fur tightly closed her arms, which were no longer able to suppress their trembling. A woman dressed in white let out an unfamiliar yell. her hair curls and tries to pull out the extradimensional creature hiding behind the wormhole.

the white woman's hair was very supple, and its strength was tremendous. In a flash, he pulled most of the extradimensional beast's body out of the wormhole.

For the first time, the beast from another dimension revealed its violently distorted appearance in front of Yu Lianyun's eyes. It was hunched over and humanoid in shape. A third arm, which is not supposed to exist in humans, was growing behind the heart. his face is deformed, covered in mysterious liquid oil and wax, and his entire body is overflowing with dark muscle lines. this is the original form of extradimensional creatures.

After clearly seeing the appearance of the creature from another dimension, Yu Lianyun felt the cold air return, and his body temperature suddenly dropped again.

Yu Lianyun wanted to avoid him, but the abnormalities on the left and right tried to kill him, so he found himself in a dilemma. After a while, Yu Lianyun gritted his teeth and decided to hide behind the woman in white clothes. At least the woman in white isn't planning on letting herself die now, and we know she's not necessarily an extradimensional creature. the enemy es with murderous intent. Although he cannot fully understand the language of extradimensional beings, his intuition should not change in this direction.

the woman wearing white clothes didn't say anything, just staring indifferently at the strange creature that came from another dimension. then his eyes suddenly widened and the child in them trembled. the long black snake-like hair suddenly tightened, and the beast from another dimension suddenly tightened. the limbs and head were pletely destroyed, and the extradimensional life form disappeared on the ground without a trace.
