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13 February






\"我们必须找到掩护,\" 安德鲁斯先生低声说道,\"这里不安全。\"



\"这是什么?\" 乔纳森问道。


\"我们必须离开这里,\" 艾莉丝说道,\"这个地方不对劲,我们不应该待在这里。\"


\"这里的一切都不真实,\" 米歇尔说道,\"我们可能已经进入了某种幻觉状态。\"



\"我们必须找到出口,\" 安德鲁斯先生喘息着说道,他的眼神充满焦急,\"这里不是我们应该留下的地方。\"


\"这是什么?\" 乔纳森惊讶地问道,当他看到自己的影像走过街角,仿佛是一个时空裂缝。

\"这个地方扭曲了时间和现实,\" 艾莉丝解释道,\"我们必须找到它的弱点,才能离开这里。\"


\"我们没有其他选择,\" 米歇尔低声说道,\"我们必须对抗这些生物,才能离开这里。\"




\"那座塔楼是关键,\" 他指向那座高塔说道,\"光球似乎在那里。\"




\"我们快到了,\" 安德鲁斯先生说道,\"光球将带领我们找到答案。\"


\"这里有某种屏障,\" 米歇尔试图触碰它,但手却被推开。


\"这是什么?\" 乔纳森喃喃自语,他的眼神充满了震惊。


\"我们要如何应对这一切?\" 艾莉丝问道。


\"你们是被选中的,\" 声音说道,\"你们要承担一个伟大的任务,保护这个城市的秘密,同时防止它的毁灭。\"



\"这是太不可思议了,\" 乔纳森的声音充满了惊叹,\"我们正在经历一场奇妙的旅程,感知宇宙的奥秘。\"


\"你们是被选中的,\" 声音回响在他们的意识中,\"你们的任务是保护这个城市的秘密,守护宇宙的平衡。\"


\"你想干什么!\" 其余的船员惊讶地问道。





\"我……我做了什么?我刚才竟然想要对那些船员出手。\" 一名船员吓坏了,他瘫坐在地上。另外几名船员脸色惨白,同样瘫坐在地上。刚才那种情况如果发生在他们的身上,简直不敢相像。幸亏那名船员最后及时收手,否则后果真的难以设想。











\"嗯。\" 船员们感到安心,仿佛一场噩梦已经结束,他们重新获得了自由。但他们并不知道,在这个充满未知力量和奥秘的地方,一切可能发生,而新的挑战和冒险也即将到来。


\"这东西太神秘了,我们应该小心处理,\" 米歇尔建议说,她目不转睛地盯着光球。

\"也许我们应该把它带回去,让专家研究一下,\" 安德鲁斯先生提出了一个建议。


\"它在做什么?\" 艾莉丝问道。



\"这是怎么回事?\" 乔纳森喃喃自语。


\"我们必须找到方法,\" 他说,\"这里可能有答案。\"


\"它们是谁?\" 艾莉丝低声问道。


\"我们来自星际联盟,\" 一名生物说道,声音透过翻译装置传达到船员们的耳朵中,\"我们一直在追踪这个城市的能量波动。你们是如何到达这里的?\"



\"你们是如何到达这里的?\" 一名外星生物再次问道,似乎对这个问题格外感兴趣。


\"它们想要与我们分享什么,\" 米歇尔猜测,试图理解那道光中的信息。


\"他们告诉我,这个城市拥有巨大的能量,它可以改变宇宙的平衡,\" 安德鲁斯先生用颤抖的声音说道。


\"我们必须走,\" 乔纳森喊道,船员们不再犹豫,他们开始逃离崩塌的城市。



\"这里再无秘密,\" 一名外星生物说道,\"城市的毁灭是宇宙的选择。\"



\"我们必须继续我们的使命,\" 他坚定地说道,\"但我们也必须谨慎行事,不让这个城市的力量落入错误的手中。\"


\"我们必须合作,\" 一名外星生物说道,\"宇宙的平衡是我们共同的责任。\"



\"我们必须前行,\" 安德鲁斯先生说道,\"宇宙的秘密等待着我们去揭示。\"




\"这座城市是一种潜在的威胁,\" 艾莉丝说道,\"如果它的能量被释放,宇宙可能会陷入混乱。\"




\"我们不能让他们得逞,\" 安德鲁斯先生说道,他的眼神坚定。



\"任务完成,\" 那名外星战士说道,\"这座城市再也不会对宇宙造成威胁。\"




\"这是什么?\" 米歇尔问道,她感到自己的身体也在颤抖。




\"这是宇宙的秘密,\" 一名外星生物说道,\"我们正在目睹它的真相。\"


\"不要离开我们!\" 艾莉丝大声呼喊,但已经太迟了。



\"我们失去了一个伟大的朋友,\" 米歇尔低声说道。





\"安德鲁斯,你怎么可能…\" 艾莉丝喃喃自语。






\"安德鲁斯,你会一直存在吗?\" 米歇尔问道。





\"这里的一切都如此诡异,\" 米歇尔低声说道。



\"快,稳住飞船!\" 安德鲁斯命令道。



\"这是哪里?\" 乔纳森惊讶地问道。






\"这里的气体非常浓重,\" 艾莉丝说道,她的呼吸变得急促。




\"这里是什么地方?\" 米歇尔不可思议地问道。




\"我们必须保护这里的秘密,\" 一位守卫者说道,声音充满了威胁。




\"我们不能让它们阻止我们,\" 安德鲁斯大声喊道,他的目光坚定。


\"我们不能停下来,\" 米歇尔说道,她的手还在颤抖。



\"这就是我们的目标,\" 安德鲁斯兴奋地说道。



\"我们不能放弃,\" 安德鲁斯说道,他的内心充满坚定。





\"克拉拉,你怎么了?\" 安德鲁斯焦急地问道。




\"我们必须小心,\" 克拉拉警告道,\"这个知识可能不是我们应该拥有的。\"




\"这是怎么回事?\" 米歇尔大声喊道。






\"这是什么?\" 米歇尔吃惊地问道。



\"不,不要!\" 安德鲁斯试图冲向克拉拉,但他被一股无形的力量推开。



\"这是怎么回事?\" 米歇尔大声尖叫。


\"我们去哪里?\" 乔纳森喃喃自语。



\"这是什么地方?\" 米歇尔呼喊道。



\"这里没有规则,没有逻辑,\" 克拉拉说出,她的声音充满了古老的智慧。





\"我们被困在了这里,\" 安德鲁斯低声说道。










\"我们回来了,但...\" 安德鲁斯无法掩饰他的失望,\"一切都消失了。\"




\"我们不再是凡人,\" 克拉拉说道,她的声音在虚空中传播,\"我们已经融入了宇宙的奥秘,我们将不断寻找答案,无论它们在哪里。\"


\"我...我回来了,\" 他轻声说道。


\"克拉拉在哪里?\" 乔纳森焦急地问道。





\"这是...克拉拉的声音吗?\" 他小心翼翼地问道。



\"我们会继续前行,克拉拉,\" 安德鲁斯说道,他们的决心更坚定了,\"我们会解开更多的谜团,不论前方有什么挑战等待着我们。\"





\"这些古老的存在,\" 安德鲁斯低声说道,\"他们的智慧和力量超乎我们的想象。或许他们能够帮助我们解开更多的谜团,找到回家的方法。\"



\"我们...我们失败了吗?\" 乔纳森的声音在虚空中回荡。




\"我们变得更加强大,\" 安德鲁斯说道,\"但我们也更容易迷失在宇宙的无限中。我们必须保持警惕,否则我们可能会永远失去自己。\"


\"这是哪里?\" 乔纳森惊讶地问道。



\"我们是谁?\" 米歇尔小心翼翼地问道。



\"我们不是敌人,\" 安德鲁斯大声呼喊,\"我们只是寻找答案,探索宇宙的奥秘。请不要摧毁我们,让我们回到现实世界。\"



\"让我们回家,\" 乔纳森说道,\"但我们永远不会忘记这段经历,宇宙的奥秘将永远吸引着我们。\"







\"发生了什么事?\" 乔纳森焦急地问道。



\"我们必须找到安德鲁斯先生,\" 米歇尔说道,\"只有他才可能知道如何对抗这些存在。\"









\"这是哪里?\" 克拉拉惊恐地问道。





\"坚持住!\" 乔纳森大喊,但他的声音在虚空中仿佛被吞噬了。







\"我们不会屈服!\" 米歇尔振奋地说道,\"我们会保护人类,不论付出什么代价。\"













\"这扇门似乎需要某种特殊的钥匙或密码才能打开,\" 克拉拉说。


\"快,我们必须阻止它们!\" 米歇尔喊道,举起武器准备应对这突如其来的威胁。




\"这就是宇宙的秘密,\" 米歇尔说,\"我们必须了解它,才能阻止那些无形的存在。\"






这个光束传达出一种强烈的信息,\"宇宙的秘密并不属于你们。\" 船员们被迫接受自己的限制,他们无法完全理解宇宙的秘密。他们感到自己的意识开始被排斥出这个神秘之地。




\"不要被迷惑!\" 米歇尔大声喊道,试图保持冷静。他们必须抵御这些幻象的诱惑,不让自己陷入其中。


\"我们不能相信这一切,\" 克拉拉警告道,\"我们必须保持警惕,不让自己陷入陷阱。\"



\"有什么东西在那里!\" 克拉拉警告道,船员们的武器举得更高,准备应对任何潜在的威胁。


\"你是谁?\" 乔纳森小心翼翼地问道,不确定这个孩子是友是敌。



\"你知道我们在寻找安德鲁斯先生吗?\" 米歇尔试探性地问道。




\"我们陷入了一个幻觉之中!\" 克拉拉大声警告道,船员们开始四处寻找出口,但似乎一切都没有意义。



\"这个城市充满了考验,\" 孩子说道,\"只有坚韧不拔的灵魂才能找到安德鲁斯先生。\"



\"这些符文是古代的文字,\" 托马斯低声说,试图破译它们的含义。但这些文字令人费解,似乎超越了人类的理解。





\"只有通过我们的考验,你们才能见到安德鲁斯先生,\" 一名守卫者的声音响起,带着威严和挑战。



\"你们通过了考验,\" 一名守卫者低声说道,突然他的头盔消失,露出一张年迈但智慧的面孔。 \"安德鲁斯先生等在前方,他需要你们的帮助来解开宇宙的秘密。\"




\"欢迎来到宇宙的核心,\" 安德鲁斯先生的声音如天籁之音,充满威严。 \"你们已经通过了守卫者的考验,这证明你们有资格了解宇宙的真相。\"


\"我们愿意为宇宙的智慧献身,\" 托马斯代表船员们说道。



\"这是……宇宙的警告,\" 安德鲁斯先生说道,他的声音充满了不安。 \"宇宙不希望这些知识被滥用,它要将我囚禁在这里,直到找到合适的继承者。\"



\"你们已经看到了宇宙的警告,\" 安德鲁斯先生说道。 \"这是一个危险的知识,但我相信你们是唯一可以掌握它的人。\"


\"你是谁?\" 托马斯试图理清思绪。


\"我们怎么能相信你?\" 米歇尔提出质疑。


\"这是我们的未来,\" 孩子说道。 \"你们有能力改变宇宙的走向,但必须小心谨慎。知识是一把双刃剑,可以拯救,也可以毁灭。\"






\"你们犯了一个严重的错误,\" 孩子说道,她的声音充满警告。 \"宇宙的秘密必须以平衡和谦卑的方式被理解和运用。你们的自负和欲望导致了这场灾难,但也只有你们可以修复它。\"





\"我们不能再犯错误了,\" 托马斯坚持道。 \"我们必须谨慎行事,不能再轻举妄动。\"



\"你们之间的分歧只会加剧问题,\" 孩子说道。 \"宇宙的秘密需要你们合作,找到平衡。只有这样,你们才能修复错误,拯救地球。\"




the truth of the twelve hundred (two in one)

the woman in white was standing in the same place, in the same posture, as she had been when she tragically died out of boundless hatred for the world.

dark energy forming feelings of hatred, resentment, anger, and despair made people tremble. Yu Lianyun's soul suddenly trembled, and when he opened his heart, he saw a nightmare about the woman in white's life experience, which was not recorded on videotape.

It turns out that even after being pushed into the abyss by a pervert parent and child, the woman in white did not die immediately. Even after being seriously injured a second time by hitting a rock and breaking his spine, he continued to suffer in the abyss for a long time. Unable to move his lower body, he dragged himself, pushing his broken finger bones into the wall of the well and calling for help, which sealed it piece by piece.

when the mouth of the well was pletely blocked and the sun could no longer shine inside the well, his miserable cries turned into curses of resentment and hatred. the cries for help, still vaguely audible to the outside world, turned into the most primal and strange howl. the clear water in the well slowly turns red from the blood flowing from his body.

In this dark hole, he thought he might die from cold, drowning, suffocation, or blood loss, but before that he actually experienced spiritual death and the collapse of his soul.

the strange roar inside the sealed well lasted for three days and three nights. the sound doesn't stop, doesn't weaken, and suddenly stops.

Yu Lianyun realized that it was his psychic ability that allowed him to see women's memories in white. this allowed him to understand the origins of the Video Storage curse and why it is so powerful and terrifying. At the same time, I was forced to empathize with and experience the woman in white. I have the same accident.

Yu Lianyun knelt down. After killing the extradimensional beast, the woman dressed in white walked past Yu Lianyun, ignoring him, as if she had no interest in him at all.

\"It must have been very painful. It must be very humiliating to die alone in a place like this,\" Yu Lianyun murmured with tears in her eyes. whether it's the corpse of the unnamed woman or the woman in white, they all have experienced terrible torture during their lives, and the pain in their souls is an inhuman emotion. It is natural to feel a great deal of resentment towards the world, and it is also the darkness of fate that will not be resolved.

At that moment, Yu Lianyun deeply realized that the so-called curse was not in the video itself, but in the human heart. the act of deleting the video was like a perverted parent and child sealing up a stone well. what cannot be seen cannot be purified, and resentment will always remain cold. In the bitterest and darkest of times.

therefore, after watching a videotape and seeing a glimpse of a woman from his past, the only way for him to resolve blessing was to have the woman in white release her hatred.

Yu Lianyun thought that she understood the pain of the woman in white, and wanted to go back and say something to the woman in white. however, when he once again witnessed her merciless gaze and the countdown to his own death, he realized that he could not fully sympathize with her. , that empathy is just a false emotion.

the woman in white he saw now was no longer the spirit of resentment that died in the well, but a collection of resentment.

therefore, when he saw the woman dressed in white again, the mental shock directly frightened Yu Lianyun. he leaned back and felt like he was falling into the abyss. At one point, I suddenly hit rock bottom!

Yu Lianyun’s body trembled, her eyes suddenly opened, and she got up from the bed. he was sitting on his bed, his lungs swollen and rattling in his chest. he was sweating like rain. he felt as if he had stepped out into the rain without any preparation. in the rain.

however, the mysterious members of the team who were sleeping next to him didn't seem to notice any of the strange phenomena that happened to him. It is only when they hear the sound of his sudden awakening that they slowly wake up and lose their sanity. he rubbed his eyes and asked, \"what's wrong?\"

what is wrong? Yu Lianyun was at a loss. All he knew was that he couldn't seem to escape his fate, and neither could the mysterious team.

“I had a nightmare, but it’s okay,” Yu Lianyun whispered softly, getting up from the bed and walking to the bathroom. when he looked at himself in the mirror, his shoulders felt heavy, and suddenly he saw a woman wearing white clothes climb on top of him. I looked over my shoulder, and in a split second this horribly strange sight disappeared without a trace.

Facing this situation, what Yu Lianyun felt was not confusion in the face of unknown fear, but a deep despair of still being powerless in front of the truth. he sat alone on the bathroom floor without saying a word. , I don't want to cry or laugh, I just want to empty my head and not think about anything.

Yu Lianyun’s normal attitude could not escape the attention of the members of the secret team. his desperate expression caught he Jia'an's attention, and he realized that it seemed that last night's problems had not been pletely resolved.

After several questions, Yu Lianyun felt that her fate could not be changed whether she spoke or not, so she looked directly at the creature from another dimension and the woman in white clothes that had invaded her heart. he spoke frankly about the nightmare he had last night. I will protect him. thing.

After hearing Yu Lianyun’s words, he Jiaan and the other three couldn’t help but express deep concern. In fact, the development of the problem was more difficult than expected.

\"I want to go for a walk by myself. can you please stop following me for now?\" Yu Lianyun said.

``but it was already 9 o'clock at night,'' Li Yingqi recalled.

Yu Lianyun threw him and said very gently, \"do you think there is something to scare me now?\"

the three of them were speechless. while they were hesitating, Yu Lianyun had already left the hotel and was wandering alone through the quiet streets of this city, which had no nightlife culture.

there is a full moon tonight, the temperature is moderate, the night breeze on the beach is cool and fortable, and the waves are sometimes slow and sometimes fast. however, Yu Lianyun has no intention of enjoying such a harmonious and leisurely scenery.

Yu Lianyun, who was passing by the munity park, saw that there was no one here, and it was a quiet place for a temporary rest, so she sat on the swing in the sand pool in the park. Stop swinging and sit slowly.

traces of children playing during the day can still be seen in the park, with sand flying from the sand pool, a sandcastle half-destroyed, and snack packaging bags left in gaps between children's play equipment. At this moment, Yu Lianyun was silent. You can feel the vibrancy in this quiet park.

“If I can die here quietly, I don’t think it’s a bad idea.” Yu Lianyun suddenly thought to himself.

he pretended to be open and laughed a few times, but before he could let go, he fell off the swing, knelt on the ground, and cried silently.

of course he doesn't want to die. No one wants to die, so we naturally bee afraid of death.

Although the videotape caused his death, he does not regret purchasing it. A contradictory psychology affected his mind.

After crying for a while, Yu Lianyun got up from the ground again and left the park. he didn't want to spread his suffering and despair in this place full of hope and vitality.

he returned to the street and continued walking forward without any ground, but was so distracted that he punched a man in the chest.

\"I'm sorry.\" Yu Lianyun apologized subconsciously. when he looked up and saw the man's face, he found it very familiar.

\"I'm sorry, are you hurt?\" mr. haimofen helped the stunned Yu Lianyun, and instead of blaming him, he asked with concern.

Yu Lianyun nodded. when I saw the man in front of me, feminine and handsome, missing his left ear, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, ``what a shame.''

For some reason, he remembered the corpse of a woman and a woman dressed in white who also looked stunning. the world always seemed to inflict suffering on beautiful people, including her...

but soon, Yu Lianyun noticed that there was something familiar about the background behind haimorphen. Immediately behind heimorphen was a narrow stone staircase about ten meters high, and his opponent had just descended from it.

hai mofen saw that Yu Lianyun was only worried and not hurt. then he quickly noticed that Yu Lianyun's hands had frostbite that had not yet healed. he couldn’t help but frown and suddenly grabbed Yu Lianyun’s hand. however, he said this with a bit of sadness. \"It's such a shame that such delicate and skilled hands have fallen into such disrepair.\"

At first impressions, the man seemed like a gentleman, but suddenly he started acting ungentlemanly. Yu Lianyun was surprised for no reason. he used his strength to get away from his opponent, taking a few steps away before looking at him with some caution. the other side.

but after a while, Yu Lianyun suddenly remembered the man's face. he was surprised: \"wait! Are you... haimofen?\"

heimorphen's expression changed a little when he heard that the other person recognized him. he was silent for two seconds, then smiled his standard smile and said: \"No, I'm not him. I just look like him. Everyone around me is like that.\"Explain. \"

hearing this, Yu Lianyun looked at him suspiciously. heimofen lowered the brim of his hat and did his best to avoid looking at the other person.

\"No, you are him. I have only seen you in person, only on screens and posters, but you are definitely haimo Fen.\" Yu Lianyun said confidently. Even he was surprised when he said that. he was never a stubborn person, and he rarely jumped to easy conclusions or relied on so-called intuition. he did the same thing yesterday when he arrested a prisoner in the live broadcast room.

At that moment, Yu Lianyun suddenly remembered what he Jian had said. Yes, it wasn’t just Yu Lianyun now, it also had the soul of a female corpse. his attitude just now was more like Jin xiu's.

heimorphen didn't expect that the fan in front of him would turn out to be so grumpy and paranoid, and neither did his heart. As expected, what he was most worried about happened. Even when I was living in isolation to resolve my physical problems, we were always together. Fans of his own work gathered and were recognized.

\"this is going to be difficult...\" heimorphen said to himself, his eyes worried.

Yu Lianyun was very surprised to see the most outstanding young violinist of this century appearing here, and judging from the other party's imperfect ears, it seemed that he had suffered quite a bit.

In this regard, Yu Lianyun couldn't help but make a bold guess. the Jinxiu part of his heart took the initiative again and asked haimofeng, “did you e to see Linbos?”

``mr. Lin?'' haimofen was surprised to see the injured woman, and immediately realized that she was the same person as himself and a customer of Lin Lin, the owner of the forest.

As a result, heimorphen felt relieved and took his hand out of his pocket again. he smiled a little and said, \"I see, you also want to go see boss Lin.\"

while saying this, he couldn't help but look at Yu Lianyun's hand, \"I think you are also in trouble, but it doesn't matter. boss Lin is a person with great strength and ability. I'm sure you can do it.''to solve your problems just like I did. of. ”

there was a hint of admiration and adoration for Linlin in haimofen's words.

Yu Lianyun was even more curious and said, “Yes?”

I thought that heimorphen, a world-famous musician, had disappeared without a trace for three years. It turns out that he hid in this city by the sea, living alone day and night.

however, after hearing haimorphen's words, Yu Lianyun also realized that isolation was only a positive act on the surface. In fact, it may not have been heimorphen's own will. Just like him, he accidentally fell into the untouchable world. , is disturbed by something mysterious.

hai mofen deliberately did not listen to Yu Lianyun's doubts and curiosity. he greeted with a hat and a smile. \"before you take your first step, there's one more thing you need to do. Good luck, beautiful girl.\"

with that, he leaned on his cane and walked away gracefully.

Yu Lianyun looked at the black figure ing out a little dumbfounded, and suddenly felt that she was not the only one involved in the tragedy. Even big-screen superstars and musicians have bad luck.

maybe people are so negative. when you see someone who was originally at the top suddenly fall to the same level as you, you will be forted by that person and feel an indescribable amount of courage.

Looking at the stone steps leading into the dark forest, Yu Lianyun thought for a while and decided to visit the owner of the forest hut for the third time.

“please e in, mr. Yu.” when Yu Lianyun knocked on the shop door again, Ling Ling in the room smiled and invited him in, as if expecting him to e again.

Yu Lianyun came to the store again, but this time Lin Ling was not sitting in front of the coffee table drinking tea, but was sitting in a rocking chair, wearing headphones and listening to music, looking happy. he looked relaxed. face. .

For some reason, every time he came to this secluded shop, he did not feel frightened, but felt particularly unfortable.

Yu Lianyun also felt something strange about Ling Ling, who he had only met twice and who looked much younger than himself. he always wanted to confide all his troubles and sins to her.

this is said to be a temporary shelter for lost lambs from around the world.

“boss, I want to ask you seriously this time, how can I get the best of both worlds that can not only save me from the invasion of extradimensional life, but also save me from the destruction caused by the blessing? ” Yu Lianyun asked humbly.

Linlin swayed to the rocking chair, her hands constantly rubbing the black cat's body. the black cat did not resist and did as he was done.

In the middle of the swaying rhythm, Linlin spoke slowly. “do you ever feel like it’s natural that you’re suffering right now?”

Yu Lianyun was shocked and clenched her fingers.

``Going back to the original topic, what on earth were you doing after strange phenomena began to appear on the woman's corpse, after she went into a so-called a?'' Ling Ling opened her dark eyes. Looking at the Yulian clouds is like investigating the ghost world of people's hearts.

“I…” Yu Lianyun looked away and hesitated to speak.

\"You killed your father with your own hands, didn't you?\" Linlin hit the nail on the head. Yu Lianyun suddenly knelt on the ground, and the unbearable truth of this moment flooded over her.

13 Looking for the woman in the white coat (2-in-1)

mr. Liu's eyebrows furrowed, and painful memories came out one after another like a tide, attacking Yu Lianyun's painful conscience. he choked and cried for a long time, but finally spoke and told the truth of the day.

that day, due to a hallucination, he stumbled upon a field of hairy flesh, and countless sprouts of flesh crawled under Yu Lianyun's feet and continued to grow upwards to cover his entire body.

when Yu Lianyun's father saw his beloved daughter suffering, he naturally tried his best to save her. when Yulianyun's father saw the flesh bud that had entered Yulianyun's body, he immediately guessed the intention of the woman's corpse. the being behind the woman's corpse seeks to devour the human mind and soul and replace it.

Faced with such a critical moment, Yu Lianyun's father made a big decision without hesitation. \"You want a body, right? then I'll kill him right now so you can't stand it.\" A body, right? haha, if it is possible to enter the body of a dead person, the corpse of a woman on the autopsy table should not be able to move either!

while speaking, he turned and sat on Yu Lianyun’s slender waist. the hand that once taught him to write and hold a scalpel is now tightening around his throat, and the pain from the invasion of extradimensional forces bined with the pain of suffocation has brought Yu Lianyun's fear to its peak. did.

Yu Lianyun, who was in great pain, was surprised to hear of her father's decision. he could not believe that his father was about to strangle him to death with his own hands.

the desire to survive made it very difficult. his near-death experience seems to have made his originally strong sense of inspiration even more sensitive. It was at this moment that the memories of Jin xiu's life as a corpse woman also flowed into his mind.

the despair and resentment of the two souls made Yu Lianyun unable to distinguish who he was, but his survival instinct was still amplified many times.

Sensing the fact that Yu Lianyun was dying, the extradimensional life that controlled the illusion, devoured the soul, and transformed Yu Lianyun's body immediately changed direction. the piece of flesh separated from Yu Lianyun's body and rotated to wrap around Yu Lianyun's father's body. limbs and trunk.

the pain was so intense that his father's body became stiff, making it difficult for him to use his strength. Yu Lianyun could breathe at this moment, and took the opportunity to kick the father who tried to kill his daughter.

Yu Lianyun ran away from the autopsy room, desperately trying to escape. however, her father, whose body was covered in sea worm-like flesh buds, staggered and muttered from behind him, \"xiao Yun, don't run away! Let's go!\" I killed you! ”

hearing this, Yu Lianyun became even more sad and angry.

At this time, Yu Lianyun's legs and legs were too weak to run fast, and soon he and his father, who was controlled by the monster, were forced to fight in the hallway.

during the fight, Yu Lianyun grabbed a vase from the hallway and hit her father in the head with it as hard as she could. his father tilted his head and headed down the stairs.

Yu Lianyun saw her father fall down the stairs. he rushed to check on him and found his beloved father lying in a pool of blood under the building.

the impact of the father's tragic death scene was too strong. Yu Lianyun could not bear it for a while and fainted.

this is the bloody truth of this day!

Even if they didn't witness the terrifying hallucination that day, everyone who watched could see that Yu Lianyun's father did not die in an accident. the hallucination was fake, but the fight between the two was real.

So when Yu Lianyun heard her mother say that her father had died in an accident and passed out in the autopsy room, she knew that her mother had been hiding the crime of killing her father.

After that, every time Yu Lianyun recalled what happened that day, she felt great pain. whether or not the father was the one who hit him first and only instinctively resisted to save his life, patricide was, after all, an irrefutable fact.

At that moment, Yu Lianyun confessed his sins to Ling Ling's face. he killed his father, but he had no choice but to do so because he thought he was forgiven.

After listening to the truth, Ling Ling did not maintain the rational and indifferent attitude of the listener like last time. Rather, with an expression full of emotion, he heartily sighed, \"what a good man to sacrifice himself for a woman.\" father. \"

hearing Lingling's words, Yu Lianyun trembled and looked at Lingling with an expression of disbelief, \"what are you talking about? he wants to kill me!\"

``If he really wants to kill you, there are countless ways to do it, but he just chose the slowest one.'' Ling Ling said, ``there are many tools in the autopsy room that can easily kill someone. \"I believe in you. It's impossible for a doctor, especially a forensic scientist, not to be clear about that, right?\" he said with a smile.

when Ling Ling's words woke him up, Yu Lianyun suddenly realized a possibility he had never imagined. In an instant, his soul was struck by lightning, and his heart was pierced by a sharp knife.

\"Your father is a very smart man. In a short period of time, he thought of loopholes for the invasion of alien life and made a decision on his own.\" mr. Lingling praised him, saying, \"he passed a plan to suppress foreign invasion.\" this act of killing you causes the extraterrestrial to change its focus and poses a danger to itself. ”

\"but if he wants to do it, isn't he already successful? but why... why was he always chasing me and threatening to kill me?\" Yu Lianyun’s tone trembled. In fact, he was thinking about it too. the only reason is that I'm hoping someone else will wake up and not find the answer alone. In this case, his pain may be alleviated, since part of the blame can be placed on the type of people called \"fools\". thing

Linlin also responded to her opponent's intentions. he casually explained while petting the cat. \"there could be several reasons for this. First, he could not bear the pain of breaking his bones and eating away at his soul, so he sought peace and sought death. the reason was that he always believed that his death would save him. the third reason is that he wants to continue the misunderstanding so that his death won't burden you too much and you will feel that his death was a well-deserved death. ”

\"Actually, he succeeded. well, I'm really sorry. It was clear that the deceased was the most important person and his reasonable wishes should not be violated, but I did not expose him. I did.” there was no regret or emotion on Linlin’s face. Looking at Yu Liangyun, he apologized directly.

Seeing the beautiful woman immersed in an even more depraved spiritual world, Ling Ling kept her usual smile and stared at her as if she wanted to record her expression.

After looking at Yu Lianyun’s expression for a while, Ling Ling felt bored and said, “the perfect solution you want is actually available. You can only resist an invasion once. So, now you no longer have to worry about extradimensional beings invading your body again. It is said that if you are bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of cords for 10 years. this is especially true for the poor men who thrive in the darkness of another dimension. .

therefore, all you have to do is face the blessings of your body and go to the woman in the video. Sometimes anger doesn't need to be resolved, but it needs to be expressed and channeled...\"

Yu Lianyun didn't know how he got back to the hotel after that. he returned to the hotel in a confused state. he did not know day or night. only after sleeping in a hotel for two days did he gradually learn the true shadow of his father's death.

After waking up, Yu Lianyun became calmer and more rational. he couldn't help but feel a different emotion. A clear mind was the most important thing for him now.

two days of sleep means there are less than three days left before the \"seven days of death\" curse occurs.

After getting up and eating his fill, the first thing he did was ask he Jian'an and his secret team for help. \"I need someone to help me find the deceased.\"

\"who are you looking for?\" Li Jian'an did not immediately refuse, but asked.

Yu Lianyun answered directly, ``this is the white woman who died in the videotape.''

\"what are you looking for?\" Li Jian'an frowned and actively looked for something unusual. this is not something a rational person would do.

\"I thought of a way to solve the blessing on my body.\" Yu Lianyun remembered Linlin's last words that day, and felt a sense of guilt in her heart. \"I can only solve the problem if I find a woman dressed in white.\"

hearing Yu Lianyun's words, he Jia'an and Li Yingqi both looked at wei Jiang, who had the ability to distinguish between true words and false words. wei Jiang nodded at the two, showing that Yu Lianyun was not lying.

of course, Yu Lianyun wasn't lying, he just had doubts about the truth.

“please let me go alone. I am already prepared whether this journey will lead me to death or survival.” Yu Lianyun said seriously.

Li Jian'an thought for a moment and replied, \"we can help you, but we can't let you search by yourself.\"

Yu Lianyun was silent for a while, then finally nodded and said quietly, “thank you.”

Li Jia'an reported Yu Lianyun's need to the xuanmi team. xuanmi's team quickly accepted the problem and released the results this afternoon.

based on the scene recorded on the tape and the architectural style of the house where the woman in white and her father and son once lived, the mysterious team quickly finds a location in a large organization's database that matches the scene. well, I see three similarities. , Fortunately, these three places are not far from Itai city.

many people prepared to stay up all night and drive overnight from Itai city to reach the three locations.

the first city they arrived in was Yu Lianyun. After arriving at his destination, he didn't even get out of the car. he just looked at the two bungalows outside the car and quickly shook his head. ``Not here. the trees planted in this city are wrong.'' ``Let's go to a place where there are a lot of maple trees.'' ”

Yu Lianyun remembered the nightmare scene he had seen for several days in a row. the stone well was supposed to be in a maple forest, but I suddenly remembered that such a feature existed.

when he Jian heard this, he got into the car and directly passed the first place. he thought for a moment and quickly deleted another location. he tapped the last location, New dragon city, with the tip of his pen and said: \"I was on duty in this city, and I still have an impression of this city. If I remember correctly, the trees in this city are.\" It was a city built inside. ”

“then go here!” Yu Lianyun said. At this point, there are only two days left. If we continue the investigation as originally planned, it might be too late, so we might as well take a gamble. , directly recognized xinlong city as the final destination.

the era of women in white should be the 1960s and 1970s of the last century. A few decades from now, especially china's rapid development, could change a lot. Every city is changing every day. New dragon city was once the center of world government. As one of the developed cities, we have to change drastically. You may not even find the forest or stone well where the woman in white died right away.

that's exactly right. half a day later, Yu Lianyun and the others arrived in xinlong city, and were shocked to pare the residence of the woman wearing white, copied from the videotape, with the skyscraper in front of them. Yu Lianyun Everyone can't help but be amazed at the speed of time's development.

the next step was to find a place for Ishii. Li Ka'an used his connections in the secret organization to search the maple forest where Ishii was. Finally, their eyes were fixed on an abandoned amusement park.

this amusement park has only recently been established and has only been around for over 10 years. however, its lifespan is unfortunately short - only two years.

there are various opinions as to why the amusement park was closed. Some blamed it on the amusement park owners not operating it properly. Some say it was because the owner of the amusement park was deeply in debt. An even more unusual theory is that after the amusement park was built, strange things continued to occur and people died. Unable to bear this strange reality, the amusement park was closed.

the recreational playground was abandoned here because many feng shui masters said that the feng shui here is not good, and the location of the playground is also not very good, and the investment cost is too high, so no one wanted to buy this playground.

Yu Lianyun only felt that he could reach the right place. the moment he entered the abandoned amusement park, he felt a nostalgic feeling, as if his soul was guiding him. having a brief memory resonance with the woman in white, he returns through a merry-go-round, rapids, and a roller coaster, finally arriving at the house of horrors with a faded painting.

there is a clown head in the house of horrors and it has to go into the clown's mouth. From the outside, the clown's scary and strange expression made everyone feel a little cold and unfortable.

“I think he should stay inside,” Yu Lianyun said to everyone. outside the house of horrors, he found an introduction pamphlet about the house of horrors that the guide had given him. he specifically stated that several attractions in horror house caught his attention, such as the altar and the upside-down cross. he pointed to the altar and said, \"okay, I'm sure. It looks like this. the stone well I remember looks like this under the altar.\" this must be the place where the bones of the woman in white were soaked.

14 killed in tugboat war

the inn is located deep within the house of horrors, separated from the general public by a chain-link fence, and in a place where close contact is not possible.

when Yu Lianyun and his friends discovered the altar, they found that the upside-down cross that stood on the altar had rusted due to weathering over time. A mottled rust color was spread all over the body of the inverted cross. there were weeds growing in the hole in the altar. with the help of the bright sun and moon, it shines through the hole in the ceiling of the horror house and slowly grows.

\"that's it.\" Yu Lianyun's heartbeat quickened, and an unknown fear filled her body. this was exactly the feeling that had e to him during the nightmares that had occurred over the past few days, and he knew it well.

Immediately, Yu Lianyun, with the help of he Jian and others, worked hard to dig the altar with the shovels and shovels he had brought with him on his trip.

the cement and altar stone are very hard and the interior is humid. Every time they dig a hole, a thick, foul-smelling liquid flows out of the space.

At times, Yu Lianyun and others even feel that what they are digging is not stone or cement, but a piece of flesh, albeit a very durable one.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect or not, but as the excavation work progressed, everyone felt that the surrounding area gradually became colder and wetter.


Suddenly, a rhythmic digging sound rang out. Li Jian first dug a cavity with a shovel. he was surprised and said, \"Is there really a well?\"

before he could say anything, an eerie stream of wind and moisture erupted from the excavated black hole. Everyone present clearly felt that the temperature of the environment suddenly dropped several degrees. they couldn't help but fold their arms and rub their skin.

``Something doesn't feel right.'' In this quiet space, Li Yinchi could hear her own breathing and heartbeat. After feeling his breath tremble, he quickly stated his opinion. he looked at Yu Lianyun and asked, \"what do you want to do if you find the body of a woman dressed in white?\"

\"I want to give him a proper burial,\" Yu Lianyun explained.

\"why are you doing this?\" Li Yingqi asked, \"do you really believe in the unscientific legend that people die with great grudges, causing all kinds of strange phenomena in the future?\" expressed confusion.

Yu Lianyun was silent for a while, “I have to believe it because I experienced it.”

After saying this, Yu Lianyun said: \"whether it works or not, you have to try. this is the only thing I can do right now. calculated from the time I received the call. tomorrow afternoon, situation 3: 32nd is the 7th day , it's also the anniversary of my death.\"

\"You may not believe it, but these are all things I want to do now. You chose to help me, so please respect my decision.\" Yurenyun's eyes were plicated. however, his tone was very firm: ``If you have any concerns and don't want to touch this muddy water, it's not too late to leave now. You can leave everything to me.'' ”

Li Jiaan and the others looked at each other, said nothing, and continued to help Yu Lianyun dig the altar.

After about an hour and a half, the four of them finally dug a hole in the altar. As they tried to throw the stone into the hole, everyone heard the echoing sound of the stone falling into the water.

therefore, we can confirm that this place was indeed a stone well.

what you do next is extremely dangerous. Yu Lianyun has no intention of continuing to pursue he Jiaan and the others.
